Flat Earthers To Prove The Earth Is Flat

Hopefully they'll prove a few cryptids exist along the way.

Frankly I'd rather hear about some new cryptids proven to exist than hear more about these flat-earther people, but they exist nonetheless and they're making plans to visit Antarctica to prove their theories correct. Because... cold equals flat?

Nope: they say it's all about getting the distance of the coast of Antarctica. Yep, that's it.

Look, I love conspiracy theories that are all in good fun, but these anti-science people are really starting to bother me. I guess it's because we just hit over 300,000 people dead from the coronavirus and they're still talking about conspiracies and how it's "all fake" while their neighbors bury their families. It's not fun anymore.

Got jackalope photos or Bigfoot footage? Great, I'd love to see it. But when you deny science, how about keeping it to yourself instead of spreading it, and your germs, around?

Seriously, any good cryptid stories this week? Share those in the chat!

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