More Than 140 UFOs...

And U.S. intel can't make heads or tails of them!

Do you feel bad for the boomers and their predecessors who witnessed UFOs decades ago only to be ridiculed now that we know that they've existed this whole time? Having known SO many people who say they've seen something, I know I do. I've always been a believer but I've also been someone to hide it because of the ridicule I've seen people experience, which is just a shame.

Of course now that we know there are lots of planets within radio distance and that our own intelligence has spotted dozens and dozens of UFOs that they haven't been able to explain, the universe sure seems a lot bigger than it did when we were kids. Looking back at instances of everything from lost time to abduction stories, we really have a lot more questions than answers.

As World UFO Day approaches on July 2, we should not only explore these questions but banish the stigma. Do you have a UFO story? Does someone you love? Share it and see if others can relate to your experiences. 

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