Fun With the Number 273

Fun With the Number 273

=== Moon Over My Family Dept. ===

The Earth and Moon move together around the Sun every 365.25 days, with the Moon revolving around the Earth every 27.32 days— called the "sidereal" month. Is there any connection between these dual circular motions?

Stunningly, the reciprocals of the Earth's and Moon's orbits correspond exactly:

1/27.32 = 0.0366, and

1/366 = 0.002732

Another way to say this is that, while

The Moon's orbit around the earth takes 27.32 days

At the same time,

The Earth's orbit around the Sun takes 10000/27.32 days

In a leap year. While you're on this number, notice that:

The diameter of the Moon measures 0.273 Earth diameters

Notice also that

The acceleration of the Moon in its path around the Earth is 0.273 cm/


=== Maybe the Moon Bought the Stadium Naming Rights ===

The number for absolute zero is not arbitrary. It is based on the Celsius temperature scale, which is based upon the freezing and boiling points of water.

Absolute zero is ?273.2° C, the point at which all motion stops .... and,

Gasses expand by 1/273 of their volume with every degree on this scale.


Also notice that:

A human fetus spends exactly 273 days—10 sidereal months—inside the womb

The mean for female menstrual cycles is regarded to be 27.3 days. Why should the female cycle be so closely connected to the moon's orbit? Speculation used to be fairly mainstream that the moon somehow influenced the reproductive cycle, but the current scientific consensus is that this relationship of

Moon orbit x10 = 273 = Human Gestation

is nothing but coincidence.


=== In Visual Terms, 1.273 = Square / Circle ===

The number 0.2732 has a very direct relation to the number Pi: it is the percentage by which a square is larger than a circle (of the same "diameter").

So 0.2732 can be calculated by very simple geometry alone, and in fact represents one of the simplest proportions in geometry, the circle to the square:

Inscribe a circle within a square ... 0.2732 is the simple ratio between the area of the remainder of the square after the circle has been cut out, and the area of the circle itself.

In other words, if you cut a perfect circle out of a perfect square, the "remnant" material is 27.32% the area of the circle. For a circle of diameter 2 inches inside a square whose side is 2 inches long, the ratio is (4-p)/p = 0.2732.

The earth-moon system is therefore a live-action illustration of the relationship between a circle and a square -- all of these 2732's "state" how much larger a square is than a circle, one might say.

The Earth's orbit, and the Moon's orbit, and the Moon's/Earth's diameters, and the Moon's acceleration, and the value of absolute zero, and the human pregnancy, all precisely "state" how much larger a square is than a circle.

For quick-reference documentation of the above, see New World Encyclopedia on the subject.


=== 237 Is Popular with Other Numbers, Too ===

We might add, as editors, that:

273 is a sphenic number (the product of three prime numbers, 3, 7, and 13)

and so its Mobius function is -1.

and that

273 is a repdigit (a natural number composed of repeated digits of the same number) in base 9:

273 is notated as 333 in base 9.

As well,

273 is notated as 111 in base 16

273 is notated as DD or 13 13 in base 20

273 is notated as 77 in base 38, and

273 is notated as 33 in base 90.

273 is notated as the nicely symmetrical number 100010001 in base 2.


We checked to see: did anything notable occur in the years -273 and +273 years before and after Christ's birth? Not that we can tell, no.

In the years -273 and +273 years before and after Christ's death? Well, +273 years after His death was the year that the Roman Empire declared war on Christians, for what that's worth.


The area of our galaxy is 273 decillion square miles.


=== Not Your Average Quirks List, Dept. ===

Most numbers have distinctive properties, but compare (for example) the lists found here -- particularly their entry for 273 -- to the list above for the single number 273.



