The Louisiana Pizza Parlor Ghost

The Louisiana Pizza Parlor Ghost

This Louisiana pizza parlor claims to be haunted, and they have published the videos to prove it. But despite - or perhaps because - of the national attention Stocky's Pizza has received, many people in the paranormal community are convinced that these videos are simply hoaxes.

For years, employees of Stocky's have reported experiencing objects moving when no one was around. However, none of these accounts (that I have heard, at any rate) involves an object moved farther than it would have if it had simply fallen on its own. Even aside from objects that may not have been placed as securely as the person thought, rats and mice are a sad fact in many commercial kitchens, and they can certainly knock things over as they go foraging at night.
But in this case, the restaurant is completely covered by security cameras. After several weeks of high activity, the manager got fed up and started checking the cameras. In the first video, two metal ice scoops appear to fly across the kitchen. In a second video, a bottle of bleach falls to the floor. 

Skeptics point out that in both cases, the items were moved from a shadowy edge of the screen, with a doorway in the upper left-hand corner. It would not have been difficult for a prankster to stand in the doorway and use a length of wire to reach out and knock over the ice scoops and the plastic bottle.

This particular restaurant only recently opened at this site, and employees have reported experiences since the beginning. In addition to objects falling and being moved, the store's motion sensors have been tripped when no one was on site, and employees report having an ominous feeling of being watched. 
The obvious question is, what was in that location before Stocky's? The answer is that it used to be a convenience store. The manager of Stocky's says she has heard that "a terrible automobile accident happened on the premises in which a woman was hit and her car actually smashed through the wall of the store."
Could it be this woman's ghost which is haunting the premises? It's hard to imagine anyone being so fond of the convenience store where they died that they actively worked to push out the next business that opened there. You have to wonder, what was there before the convenience store? Or could this be just a case of Louisiana's famously ghost-friendly atmosphere at work?