The reptilian conspiracy

The reptilian conspiracy

A conspiracy so unlikely, even Jesse Ventura doesn't buy it

Jesse Ventura's Conspiracy Theory is back for a new season, kicking off with an episode about the Reptilian conspiracy. The first episode of the third season brings in two new investigators: Jesse Ventura's son, and Oliver Stone's son. (At least they still have one female investigator, so it's not completely a bunch of white dudes. Not completely.)

The reptilian conspiracy was brought fully-formed into the world in 1999 by David Icke. And as Jesse Ventura takes great pains to point out, Icke makes quite a lot of money off his pet conspiracy theory: almost $2 million a year if you tally up his book sales, website income, and speaking fees.
Here's a tip: when Alex Jones thinks you're too "out there," it's time to take it down a notch.
According to the reptilian conspiracy, our world is being controlled by shape shifters whose normal form is that of a humanoid reptilian creature. The tip-off is if you freeze frame footage of famous people (like Obama and the Queen) you will occasionally see a flash of scales on their skin, or their eyes might flicker to vertical slits. Too fast for the naked eye to catch, of course. 
Those who post these videos to YouTube claim that this is a function of the shapeshifters' inability to keep total control over their appearance at all times. It's like the reptilian version of a nip slip. 
Far be it from me to cast aspersions on a video posted to YouTube. But these are also things which are trivially faked. Particularly because, since it is "only visible" in freeze frame, you don't have to animate it. All you need to do is Photoshop up a single frame of video and boom, there's your reptilian.
The show manages to dig up a few people who are (presumably) not directly affiliated with Icke. One is a woman who believes that she herself is a reptilian. Although apparently one who is positively disposed towards humanity. Like the reptilian equivalent of the old movie standard, "the assassin who gives up assassining and tries to save lives instead."
This woman is unable to transform on cue, although she does undergo an odd experience when apparently her pupils seem to change shape. But it isn't really caught on camera, and it could just be a trick of the lighting, so who knows. (Anyway I wouldn't consider it proof - I would consider it a symptom of neurological problems.)