Town urges Spanish mayor to call in exorcist

Town urges Spanish mayor to call in exorcist

Town Hall is haunted!

 One recent night a town councillor was working late at the town hall of Vegas de Genil, a small town outside Grenada, Spain. His office suddenly turned chilly, then he heard a strange rustling sound out in the hall, like papers being shuffled or dragged across the floor.

Fearing burglars, the councillor pulled out his phone and snapped a picture of the hallway. He retreated to his office to examine the picture. At first, he thought the hallway was empty. Then he spotted the figure of a small ghostly child. 

The photograph is truly remarkable. If it's a fake, it's a good one. It would help to have a well-lit photograph of the same hallway, for comparison, but it clearly seems to show a small child with long dark hair wearing a white shift, in a somewhat crouched position. She seems to be wearing a white beret or bonnet. 

The councillor immediately locked his office and texted the photo to the WhatsApp group of other town councillors. Another councillor, seeing the photo, drove to the town hall and rescued the terrified man.

The incident has driven the town and the town's government officials into a bit of a panic. But this panic has not touched the mayor, Leandro Martin, who has brushed off complaints as a "collective psychosis."

The mayor has so far refused the request to allocate public funds for an exorcism of the town hall, stating that his priorities lie with the living townspeople, some of whom are without electricity. 

Will Vegas de Genil be able to find a priest willing to bless the town hall for free? One of the town councillors has already asked a Reiki practitioner to perform a cleansing. But will that be enough?