Did Snowden reveal UFO secrets?

Did Snowden reveal UFO secrets?

Um... I'm thinking not.
Over the weekend a report began circulating that Edward Snowden had accepted an offer of asylum in Venezuela, and upon acceptance had released a long report about what the American government knows about UFOs. I think Ghost Theory is right to be skeptical about this report; every other UFO-related news outlet seems to be taking it seriously. But it's just a little too much, if you ask me.
I was prepared to believe that Snowden would have read reports about UFO activity in general. Maybe some photographs or eyewitness accounts. Sure. 
Instead, what we have is a lengthy and complicated treatise about aliens who live inside the Earth's mantle. Inside the planet's molten core, the aliens have as little concern for us as we do for ants, although they get annoyed when we try to scan them or drill too deep into their territory, and they retaliate by sending us earthquakes and tsunamis. 
Furthermore, it is well known (according to this fantastical "report") that the aliens periodically shoot out from deep sea hydrothermal vents and rocket into outer space. If civilians or scientists have never observed this happening, it's because we schlubs don't have access to the government's ballistic missile tracking system or deep sea sonar networks, both of which have been used to track the aliens' comings and goings.
According to this report, we have little to no defense against these inner-Earth aliens. The worst we could do would be to detonate nuclear weapons in deep caverns to "sting" the aliens. Cold comfort indeed, given that they could apparently wipe us off the surface of the planet in a trifle, if they wanted to.
This is what I find most striking about this purported Snowden UFO report: the drumbeat of fear. Everything about the aliens in this story is terrifying, and the only thing the government can do about it is hide us from the fear. It's an undeniably compelling narrative, even though I don't believe it for a second. Particularly once we get to the punchline, which is that the aliens live in cities that are "laser-etched of pure diamond."
As for the idea that aliens live in the center of the Earth, the so-called "Hollow Earth Hypothesis" holds that the Earth is hollow, and inside is a sun in the center, with alien civilizations living along the inside of the Earth's crust. This theory has been kicking around for centuries, and was most recently championed by the Thule Society (which counted Adolph Hitler among its many fans).