Rains of Terror Planet

Fans of space and astronomy should definitely follow @astro_alexandra on TikTok for some incredibly interesting content they might be surprised to learn about. Recently the self-described space communicator gave a quick presentation about a piece of freaky phenomena that's about 63 years away from Earth. It's called HD 1897336, but people know it as "Rains of Terror" due to its extreme conditions.

Discovered in 2005, HD 1897336 is covered with wild winds that blow around shards of glass. It's blown around sideways, so if you stood on the planet you'd be slashed from pretty much head to toe with glass shards! And it's blowing at 5,400 mph, or seven times the speed of sound, which makes it even more terrifying to think about. Let's not go there, okay space race folks?

What other freaky news or facts have you read about this week in terms of space exploration, astronomy and the stars? Share any strange stories or articles you've stumbled across in the chat.

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