May 2019

The Easiest Keto Dessert Ever

When I'm deep into keto, I don't really have many sugar cravings, but there are times when I do still want a taste of something sweet-ish. When I crave chocolate, I'll usually buy a chocolate bar that's mostly cacao, which does the job. If I don't have access to a store, I'll whip this mousse up. My version is a little easier, but the recipe here's still easy if you want cinnamon!

Tracking Germination

Do you have any little hands growing flowers and plants this year? Whether they are your children, students, family or neighbors, growing a garden with young people is always a good idea! Help them learn where their food comes from and empower them to provide food for themselves and develop a fun lifetime hobby in the process.

Alcohol-Related Diseases On The Rise

Experts believe that binge drinking among young people is responsible for the rise of severe alcohol-related liver disease that's currently booming. People with risk for cirrhosis, death and liver cancer are increasing. With a new study published every day about how alcohol is good for you, but then bad for you, and everyone making jokes about how it's always wine o'clock, is it really any wonder?

Le Panier

If the mood for something decadent and delicious should arise, you might find what you need at Le Panier. Whether you're in the mood for breads, croissants, macarons or other treats, they have something for everyone. Petits sables, meringue, palmier, chouquettes with pearl sugar--you'll find all of these and more authentic desserts on the menu. 

Yosemite Is Home To Red-Legged Frogs Once Again

Between bullfrog introduction, fungal threats and other causes, the red-legged frog was killed off in Yosemite years ago. Experts say it was preventable, but there is some great news: the species has been reintroduced back into the park through a collaborative effort from the San Francisco Zoo, the National Park Service, Yosemite Conservancy, the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service and the California Department of Fish and Wildlife.

Discuss Your Way Of Eating

When people get irritated about, or ridicule other people's ways of eating, I can't help but shake my head. We might all be mammals, but we've evolved to a point where we all have different dietary needs. Some people have deathly allergies or sensitivities that can deeply affect their health. In fact, I think more people have sensitivities than not and just don't know it, and if more of us were willing to try modifications we could probably be a lot healthier, even happier, as a result.

An Island of Wolves

When you plan your vacation, do you like to make sure you'll get to see some cool animals while you're traveling? What if you could be surrounded by animals you might otherwise consider to be dangerous? At the Predators of Heart Sanctuary, you get to hang out with "friendly" wolves in a Vancouver environment. There are ten acres to explore and an animal handler who will assist you during your visit. It costs $200 per person to visit.

Nuclear Reactors 678 - Public Fear Of Nuclear Reactors Reduces Support For Expanding The Use Of Nuclear Power in the U.S.

       Nuclear power generates about twenty percent of the electricity in the U.S. from a fleet of ninety-eight nuclear power reactors at sixty-one nuclear power plants. Unlike all other forms of power generation in use, there is a public fear of nuclear reactors and materials.
