Government UFO Report

Why isn't this a bigger deal?

According to our own government, there have been dozens of incidences of UFO sightings that remain unexplainable. A new report details even more details as Americans across the country suddenly experience validation (or perhaps simply frustration after being laughed at for so long) but I'm left wondering why this isn't bigger news? Why aren't more government officials demanding answers?

My guess is that information fatigue is partly to blame, but this is such big news you have to wonder how the "protect our borders" crowd isn't freaking out. Life on other planets is all but confirmed here. The answers we've sought suddenly have at least a bit of information, and the people who've seen these objects finally have some evidence. So... now what?

Does anyone else think the government knows so much more than they're willing to reveal? If so, what do you think is left to share? Share your inklings in the chat.

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High Overdose Rates And Lower Life Expectancy

If things didn't already appear bleak...

For years Millennials have heard that we're going to be the first generation that's not better off than the previous generation. On the surface I'd argue that's so not true, and that we're much better off--in some ways, at least--than the feudal generations of Europe. But if you compare us with the past 100 generations, I'd have to agree, at least in many respects. Our generation has more acceptance, diversity and equity than previous generations did, after all, and I think Gen Z will only improve that aspect of our lives.

Economically speaking, however, this has always made sense as we have the smallest amount of wealth and the Baby Boomers aren't retiring quickly enough for our generation to move up the ladder--when there's one left. We are the first generation to face credit reports from day one of adulthood, we have the highest rates of student loan debt and a plethora of other problems. So that's always made sense for me.

Now we're seeing increasing numbers of suicides due to the pandemic and U.S. life expectancy rates dropping the first time since WWII. This is not good. This is time for us to demand the changes we need if we're going to better our lives in this nation. Student loan reform, universal healthcare, paid parental leave, the Equality Act and so much more... it's all on the table and we need to make it happen. 

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Floods And Shortages to Come

Is anyone else in knots?

My water company sent me an email with tips on saving water, and I'm all about doing that. We use a far lower rate than our neighbors and there was a time when I was even trying to use grey water. But a sentence in the email made me panic: At least 40 states are expecting water shortages by 2024.

That's so soon! We all have heard about it for years--Robin Williams even joked about it--but we all hoped that we would find a solution by now. I googled it and sure enough, that's what the experts are predicting. But they're not only predicting water shortages--they're also saying a "moon wobble" is going to cause major flooding in the coastal regions in the 2030s. 

What other freaky weather phenomena have you read about this week? Share it in the chat. 

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Boarding School Unmarked Graves Tip Of Colonial Iceberg

This is just the beginning

It's always sobering when you realize the freakiest, most heinous acts on this planet are done by the hands of humans themselves, and that the trauma of those actions continues today. Only a handful of native boarding schools have been examined and more than 1,500 children have been found buried, covered up by the church and the government. There will surely be so many more found as more schools are examined.

While we can't change what happened my hope is that the public outcry will become deafening. Will it be enough for us to finally dismantle white supremacy and capitalism? I have no idea. If it would at the very least result in lands restored and reparations paid it would be a start. A petition for a National Day of Mourning has been started that we can sign but there's so much more to be done. We can also give to the National Native American Boarding School Healing Coalition.

What other actions are being done that you know of that we can support? Share them in the chat.


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More Than 140 UFOs...

And U.S. intel can't make heads or tails of them!

Do you feel bad for the boomers and their predecessors who witnessed UFOs decades ago only to be ridiculed now that we know that they've existed this whole time? Having known SO many people who say they've seen something, I know I do. I've always been a believer but I've also been someone to hide it because of the ridicule I've seen people experience, which is just a shame.

Of course now that we know there are lots of planets within radio distance and that our own intelligence has spotted dozens and dozens of UFOs that they haven't been able to explain, the universe sure seems a lot bigger than it did when we were kids. Looking back at instances of everything from lost time to abduction stories, we really have a lot more questions than answers.

As World UFO Day approaches on July 2, we should not only explore these questions but banish the stigma. Do you have a UFO story? Does someone you love? Share it and see if others can relate to your experiences. 

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Strangest Places Found on Google Earth

Share the ones you've seen!

The other day I was watching a video trying to figure out what some structures under the ocean might be in a conspiracy theory-type of video. You always have to watch them with a grain of salt and you know anything can be video edited these days... but I am deeply curious about it and other strange images captured by Google Earth and would love to see whatever you've found in your digging.

Strange landforms like some of the ones here are my favorites. They have to be random... right? But some are so obviously manmade. I'd love to be able to see them from an aerial view. And you have to laugh at all the strange things people do when caught on Google Earth, too!

What are the weirdest things you've seen captured by Google maps? Share them in the chat!

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The Birthie Stick

It's just a joke... or is it?

There's a photo of a product on Amazon going around right now that is of a... questionable nature. This product, known as the "Birthie Stick," mounts between a parent's legs as they give birth to their newborn. Oh, it gets worse. The product comes with "gender mounts" in pink or blue to "make your day special." You know, because giving birth isn't special, but clamps are?

The product is made by Prank O, which is a red flag for being a prank, but how many people could you see actually using this device? The ad suggests turning a "precious moments into a viral sensation." Yikes.

It's even labeled as a joke, but do you think some people would still use it? Do you think it would be a good or bad idea? Share your views on this wacky product in the chat.

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Weird Things We Do That Make No Sense

Share the one that has you puzzled!

We humans are so odd. We do such strange things every single day without even questioning it, and most of them are simply habit. We'd never even think to question them. I remember reading about the woman who chopped off pieces of her turkey every year because her mom did it, and her mom did because hers did, and hers did because... it didn't fit in her oven! I often wonder how much of my own life might be like that.

Why, for example, do we apply mascara with our mouths open, wet our toothbrushes before applying toothpaste, or stop the microwave before it beeps? We could go into weirder territory, too--why do we think putting our arms and legs beneath the covers will protect us from monsters?

Do you know of an even stranger thing we do each day? Share it in the chat.

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Would You Swim With An Octopus?

Or would it be too strange...

Diver Craig Foster developed a unique relationship with a friendly octopus that led to a documentary, "My Octopus Teacher," that's being released just in time for World Ocean Day. Foster's friendship with the cephalopod is an extraordinary one; people don't often get to form bonds like this with the creatures like they might with some sea mammals.

Most of us are unlikely to get this same experience, but if you could try it... would you? If an experience to swim with an octopus suddenly presented itself--maybe at a tourist trap, like a "swim with the dolphins" exhibit--would you go for it? I am pretty sure The Goonies ruined that for me. They are SO smart, and once you combine that with the tentacles, suction cups and beak... yeah. I'd rather not.

What about you? Would you want to befriend an octopus?

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Remembering Past Lives

Can you?

Creepy stories about kids, especially toddlers, remembering their past lives or other creepy events fascinate me. I don't have any of my own personally but we have several in my family. The wildest one I've ever heard of was the toddler who said he knew his murderer in Syria.

This child, who was born with a unique birthmark, took his parents to the person he said had been his neighbor in a past life, saying that not only had the man killed him, but that he could lead them to his body. Sure enough, they found his skull that had the same pattern of his birthmark knocked out of it during the person's death.

I can't explain these stories but I always find them interesting! Do you know of any stories like these? Share them in the chat!

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