September 2020

Nuclear Fusion 113 - NASA Scientists Are Working On A Lattice Confinement Approach To Nuclear Fusion

     I have been blogging about nuclear fusion lately. There are a lot of different projects being carried out by governments and private companies dedicated to the development of a safe, inexpensive, and non-polluting commercial fusion reactor that could provide for the world’s energy needs.

New Mountain Dew Cocktail at Red Lobster

Did you ever think that Mountain Dew might have a signature cocktail, and that said cocktail might officially be served at Red Lobster? The new Dew Garita is a margarita with some "special ingredients." It's going to be PepsiCo's new venture into the world of alcohol. 

Red Lobster's CEO says that this is the first of many other new menu items that we can expect to see soon. That's kind of fun since many restaurants are scaling back on what they offer on their menus lately during the pandemic.

Fall Container Gardening

We talk a lot about outdoor gardening here, but we do a lot of indoor gardening at our home, and you may do the same. It can be difficult to choose which plants you want for indoor gardens, but this handy guide has some excellent ideas for a fall indoor garden.

Herbs are almost always a good idea, especially since you can use them in your cooking and they add to the scent of your home. Lots of plants, like Boston ferns and ivy, help clean your air as well.

Cat Superstitions

As a cat lover, I kind of love cat superstitions. I don't like the bad rap that black cats, my favorites, get as being "bad luck," but I love the idea of cats actually being witches in transformation mode. I also love the idea of a cat sitting on your chest and purring attempting to "heal" you out of love. 

What about the idea of putting a cat in an empty baby cradle to get a couple to conceive? Or putting a cat in your theater for good luck? There are many more cat superstitions that I've never even heard of.

Designing the Perfect Halloween Menu

As Halloween rapidly approaches, it's time to start planning what we want to have on our Halloween dinner tables--whether this means a meal for one, a family style experience or a socially distant party with friends or family. The number of people involved will surely impact the kinds of foods and format in which they are served, but definitely don't skimp out on the Halloween decorative plates and napkins, even if it's just for you to enjoy all on your own.
