Australian Grocery Store Poltergeist

Australian Grocery Store Poltergeist

Is an Australian ghost fond of Fruit Roll-Ups? Or is it just a coincidence?


Three sets of security cameras in an Australian IGA grocery store caught some unusual activity recently. Out of the blue, a box of Fruit Roll-Ups seems to be thrown from the shelves at the front of the store. The store's owner had been previously warned that the store was haunted, and the Fruit Roll-Ups aren't even kept in that section. Is this the work of a poltergeist, or something else?
The facts of the case: the supermarket stocks the Fruit Roll-Ups at the far end of Aisle 2 (at the back of the store). However, the box in question came from the near end of Aisle 3 (at the front of the store). This is a distance of 6 meters (almost 20 feet), and around a corner.

Here's what strikes me about this: stuff in grocery stores gets rearranged all day long. If you ever actually look when you're shopping, you will see things all over the place. Shoppers pick things up and put them down for no apparent rhyme or reason. And it follows the standard traffic flow for someone to pick something up at the far end of Aisle 2, then decide they don't want it by the end of Aisle 3, and just set it "wherever."
When a shopper carelessly sets something down, it's not entirely beyond imagination to expect that it might fall down. In this video, the store's owner shows where the box of Fruit Roll-Ups came from: the bagged pasta aisle. 
This is a red flag for me. I can imagine setting a box of Fruit Roll-Ups atop some plastic pillow-like bags of dried pasta, and that box falling to the floor several hours later. What's more, the curve of the bags of pasta would tend to shoot the box out into the aisle in an arc. 
Maybe the answer is both. Maybe a careless shopper put the Fruit Roll-Ups where they don't belong, and the store's resident ghost flung them on the floor in a fit of organizational anger!
I will say that I have a lot of confidence in the veracity of this video, which is more than I can say for most ghost videos you find online. The activity is shown from three different camera angles, and the store owner seems more bemused by the attention than anything else. 
A local paranormal investigation team was invited to check out the store. Although they didn't experience any unusual activity, their results are still being analyzed.