That is a plate of NOPE with some NOPE sauce
On a recent expedition to the local Fort Worth Museum of Science and History, a Redditor snapped some pictures of his son playing in the mock grocery store. Later, as he was going through the photos, the photographer noticed something… amiss.
The gray figure standing in the corner, surrounded by bustling children and families, is basically a lifetime's worth of nightmare fuel. She does not appear in photos taken a few minutes earlier or a few minutes later.
For bonus OH HELL NO you might notice that the little boy in the blue shirt keeps staring in the corner - both before and after she appears. In the "Before" picture, he seems to be quite clearly staring at the exact spot where she is about to appear. And he looks anxious, too. He is leaning away from the center, and holding an object up to his mouth. All while the other children obliviously push their carts around.
The woman appears to be wearing a gray lace shawl (or maybe it's the shroud in which she was buried). It's hard to tell if she is crouched inside the shopping cart, or standing behind it. She seems to be looking down at her hands, which appear to be holding something - perhaps a handkerchief.
Staff at the museum have reported unusual phenomena in the past, particularly when the museum was hosting a Titanic exhibit.