
Lindsay Lohan blames Sandy on people "projecting negativity"

Apparently she's a Secret/Laws of Attraction devotee

You know your beliefs are in trouble when Lindsay Lohan - the notorious rolling disaster of Hollywood - espouses it. Lohan took to the Twitters recently to shake her finger at people who are "projecting negativity" regarding Hurricane Sandy. "Think positive and pray for peace," she urged.

Let's overlook the fact that "peace" is a weird thing to pray for with regards to a hurricane. (Could Lohan be getting the storm confused with the rioting in San Francisco?) By telling people to "stop projecting negativity," Lohan has signaled that she is one of the many of devotees of The Secret, a.k.a. the Law of Attraction.
This incident is an excellent example of the prime problem with The Secret, which is that it espouses a "blame the victim" mentality. More than that; the belief actually hinges on blaming the victim. If people on the Eastern Seaboard are injured or killed by Hurricane Sandy, it is because they - or too many people - projected negativity. 


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