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Is The Zombie Apocalypse Starting In Florida?

Police forced to shoot naked man found chewing on a homeless man's face
Over the holiday weekend in Florida (where all truly weird things happen) police officers arrived at a grisly scene: a naked man was eating another man's face. To which the internet responds, "THAT'S HOW IT STARTS."
The assailant has been identified as Rudy Eugene, a 31 year-old man with a history of violence, drug abuse, and arrests. His ex-wife spoke to local news, explaining that she ended their marriage in the face of his escalating violence. 

Eugene's house was foreclosed on last year, and he was frequently seen wandering areas more often trafficked by homeless people. Homeless people interviewed in the aftermath of the attack said that Eugene often "looked confused."
On that fateful Saturday afternoon, a man riding his bicycle along the causeway spotted the incident and phoned police. "The guy was, like, tearing him to pieces with his mouth," the witness said. When police officers yelled at Eugene to back away, Eugene "merely raised his head with pieces of flesh in his mouth, growled, and began chewing again."
I believe that rumors of the zombie apocalypse are greatly exaggerated. If the attacker had been found to be an otherwise upstanding citizen, a gainfully employed family man with no record of untoward behavior, that would be a different matter. But instead, all joking aside, this is simply another tragic story of a fellow human being who needed help that, for whatever reason, he didn't get.
We know little about the victim at this point, except that he is homeless, and had the misfortune to be in the wrong place at the wrong time. Homeless people are often victims of the criminally insane, for a lot of reasons. The victim of the attacks is currently in serious condition at Jackson Memorial Hospital, and has lost 70-80% of the flesh on his face.
As for Eugene, the police are currently asking anyone with information to come forth. Based on Eugene's naked state, they suspect that he was suffering from a drug-induced psychosis, because this condition often causes the body to heat up. Which in turn leads the delirious sufferer to remove their clothes in response.
Although the police are referring to "cocaine psychosis," several experts suspect that Eugene may have been under the influence of bath salts. "Bath salts" is the slang term for a cheap, easily available street drug which is similar to LSD, and which is blamed for many recent cases of drug-induced psychosis in the Florida area.

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