Is the government dumping fake snow on America?

Is the government dumping fake snow on America?

The latest in conspiracy theories
This winter's Polar Vortex has swirled together with the long-standing accusations about chemtrails and climate conspiracies in general and blended up into a really weird final result: a lot of people believe that the government is dropping fake snow on American cities. 
The fake snow is said to be a chemical blend which is remarkably life-like, good enough to fool the uninitiated. But those who know what to look for can (according to various YouTube videos and articles) easily spot the fake snow. Your first hint that it's fake snow is that it's Atlanta, and it never snows in Atlanta, right? (Um, wrong. Very wrong.)
This supposed snow-like substance is as cold as real snow, and it falls from the sky. But that is where the similarities end. Chemtrail enthusiasts have long believed that airplane contrails are actually chemicals being spewed out into the sky by the American government for unknown (yet assuredly nefarious) reasons. Well now here it is: all those years they have been laying the groundwork for dumping fake snow on us.
How can you tell the difference between fake snow and real snow? Simple, all you need is a lighter. You will notice that the fake snow turns black when you hit it with a lighter, and it does not melt into water - it just vaporizes. Now, some of you may argue that real snow does the same thing. The black is just the soot from the lighter fuel, and the snow doesn't melt into water, it evaporates into steam. Put a chunk of this so-called fake snow at room temperature and it will no doubt melt into a puddle of water.
Southerners can be forgiven for not knowing very much about snow, but these videos are getting big on YouTube. 
Why would the government do this? According to the conspiracy theorists, it's probably to facilitate the "false narrative" of climate change. The government has so much invested in the climate change "hoax" (so this line of reasoning goes) that it makes financial sense for the government to drop tons of fake snow to convince us.
As with so many conspiracy theories, this one says more about the theorist than anything else. Some people are clinging so tight to their belief that climate change isn't real that they have to concoct elaborate theories to explain away the evidence which is right before our eyes, and mounting daily.