People Without Uteri Continue To Make Laws For People Who Get Pregnant

Texas just condemned pregnant people to a precarious fate.

When I, as a person with a uterus who has been pregnant several times--all of them life-threatening--make a statement reminding people how dangerous pregnancy is, they never seem to understand, especially if they don't own a uterus like me. Over 800 people die a day from pregnancy, and that doesn't count the people left sick, injured and even permanently disabled from pregnancy. Pregnancy is a health condition that needs to be treated as such. Aside from all of that, it's an economic issue that can condemn someone to a life of poverty. It's a personal choice that can alter one's life forever. It is a highly personal decision that should have nothing to do with the government.

Yet instead of leaving the risky choice to be pregnant or not, people like Texas legislators who normally say they don't want government interference in their lives are out here making laws on bodies they know nothing about. Laws that say you can't get an abortion after six weeks, a time period during which most people have no idea they are pregnant--we are talking one possible missed period here, and if spotting occurs, people can easily think it's just a light month--are reprehensible. There is nothing freakier than people without a uterus putting laws on people with uteri. We know this isn't about "the unborn," either, or there would be laws on people who can impregnate, stopping them from doing so without permission. This is about controlling people with uteri, especially women.

If you have any actions to take against this heinous legislation, especially if you're from Texas, please share them in the chat.

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