Strange / Unusual

Woman finds ex-boyfriend hiding out in her attic

Creepy felon was spying on her.

If you hear noises in your attic, there are a lot of things that might spring to mind. Squirrels, rats, or possums, for the literal-minded. Or resident ghosts, for the paranormally inclined. But here is one thing you might not suspect as the cause of the noise: your creepy ex-boyfriend.

But that is exactly what happened to a South Carolina mother of five named Tracy. Twelve years after she and her boyfriend broke up, "she heard a thump from up above and saw nails start popping out from her bedroom ceiling." Upon investigation she discovered that her ex-boyfriend had been living up there for the last two weeks, ever since being released from prison. 
Earlier this year, the man (who is unnamed, as he is still at large) was convicted of stealing her truck. While serving his sentence, he had sent Tracy numerous letters from jail in which he professed his love for her, and swore that he had changed.


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