Dr. Zef Damen on Crop Circle Geometry

Zef Damen, Ph.D, has one of the most dazzling websites on the entire internet. On the site, he offers geometrical reconstructions of many recent crop circles. Damen is a Dutch engineer with many patents and other notable professional accomplishments. Interestingly, Dr. Damen specializes in pattern recognition, which has been a frequent topic of ours on detectovision.com. Chessplayers use pattern recognition to cut their work down over the tournament board, and sabermetric baseball analysts use historical "player template" precedents to judge the future performance of their favorite young baseball players. Damen doesn't discuss pattern recognition much on his site, that I can tell. He does, however, show a stunning talent for it with his "reverse engineering" of crop circles through geometry. ................ As a very simple example, consider the following crop circle: Dr. Damen points out that this pattern-in-the-field can be precisely diagrammed through the application of five steps of geometry:
1. Draw a circle, and extend the centerlines. 2. Inscribe two equilateral triangles, pointing in reverse direction. 3. Construct a circle passing through the intersections of the two triangles. 4. Construct another circle, with its center at the point of one of the triangles, so that it is tangent to the second (smaller) circle. 5. Construct two more circles at the other points of the same triangle.
As one considers Dr. Damen's construction of this pattern in AutoCAD .... ... one is tempted to believe that this is how circle hoaxers laid out their perfect symmetry in the field. These beautiful reconstructions form a sort of "floor plan" of the formations, and as Damen points out, help us to "better understand" the diagrams. He cautions that his motivation is decidedly NOT to investigate HOW the patterns are created in the fields. His motivation seems to be simply to "understand" the geometry (as if we lesser mortals "understand" sequences of numbers or shapes in the way that Damen does). Because of the geometry used, the diagrams can be reconstructed using unlined rulers. Note that distances are never defined by measurement, but always by reference to previously-drawn shapes. ................ The problem arises when you move from 5-step geometry to 46-step geometry! :- ) Dr. Damen also reverse-engineers the AutoCAD sequence leading to this formation: In fact, some of Damen's reconstructions involve over 70 (!!) steps and then match the final crop layout precisely. I don't know:  maybe AutoCAD can automate this process through geometry-recognition algorithms.  :- )  If so, somebody let me know.  But assuming it can't, Zef Damen has one whale of a knack for pattern recognition. ................... This presents an incredible puzzle. How could human beings, hoaxing these circles, construct them (in 6 hours of darkness) so as to match such intricate geometrical patterns? For example, how do hoaxers get the "sweep" of the circular angles so consistent with respect to other circles in the diagram and with respect to the 46-fold geometry? Damen also notes that in the final diagrams, "superfluous parts are often removed" and in the field, this would be impossible! On the other hand, Damen also points out that most of the crop circle layouts are not quite precise: they are a foot or two off here and there. If they were being done by advanced civilizations, why wouldn't such a civilization use computers and therefore avoid such imprecisions? The crop circles seem too good to be done by humans, and seem not precise enough to be done by higher beings or transcendent beings. What a puzzle. Cheers, jemanji images: http://www.zefdamen.nl/CropCircles/Reconstructions/2008/HoneyStreet08/ho... http://www.zefdamen.nl/CropCircles/Reconstructions/2008/HoneyStreet08/ho... http://www.zefdamen.nl/CropCircles/Reconstructions/2008/SouthField08/sou...

The Bloop

The phenomenon known as 'The Bloop' is quite possibly one of my favorite of the great, unsolved mysteries of the world. It is such a simple thing, a mere sound, but so large it was that several different sensors thousands of miles apart were able to record it. So essentially, in the summer of 1997, a sound was registered, a loud sound and it was traced to the location of 50 degrees S 100 Degrees W, roughly off of the west coast of South America. Each time it occurred, it rose in frequency for about roughly 60 seconds on an ultra low frequency. Heard at normal speed, it sounds like nothing. At least nothing that human ears can discern. However, when sped up by the National Oceanic Atmospheric Administration to 16 times its normal speed, it sounds like a bubble rising in the water. Supposedly, the profile of said sound matches that of a living creature. The only problem being that according to scientists who have studied said noise have concluded that any creature able to make such a noise would have to be larger than any creature as of yet known to man or science. Creepy. Giant Squids have for the most part been discounted as traditionally there sounds are produced through gas-filled sacs and no known species posses a sac large enough to transmit sounds through water that can be heard upwards of three thousand miles away. Again though, no known species. Would it be foolish to assume that humans have successfully and completely cataloged our massive oceans. Indeed. And I don't think that anyone could make an argument otherwise. And therefore, is it not possible that such a creature capable of such massive noise could have escaped our technological nets? Not quite as certain, but still, it is a possibility. Fiction has grabbed a hold of 'The Bloop' in its own special way. My favorite of such things was it's utilization in the viral campaign for the monster film Cloverfield. But the ones who have truly latched onto it in the most glorious and fanatical of ways are the fans of H.P Lovecraft and his demonic creation, Cthulu. Fans have noted that the coordinates of mystery's approximate location match that of R'lyeh, the sunken city where Cthulu triumphantly makes his appearance in the short story "The Call Of Cthulu." It is more than enough proof for them that, Cthulu is indeed alive and well and it was he who made the sound. But to the great dismay of all who are attracted to such phenomena, 'The Bloop' has not been heard since it's initial but multiple occurrences in 1997. As such, there has been no truly concrete study of the mystery despite enrapturing even those in the legitimate scientific community. And unless 'The Bloop' arises again, it is likely to stay a mystery. For those wishing to make their own opinions on the matter, this website has audio files of varying quality and speed for listeners to enjoy.

Fun With the Number 273

=== Moon Over My Family Dept. ===

The Earth and Moon move together around the Sun every 365.25 days, with the Moon revolving around the Earth every 27.32 days— called the "sidereal" month. Is there any connection between these dual circular motions?

Stunningly, the reciprocals of the Earth's and Moon's orbits correspond exactly:

1/27.32 = 0.0366, and

1/366 = 0.002732

Another way to say this is that, while

The Moon's orbit around the earth takes 27.32 days

At the same time,

The Earth's orbit around the Sun takes 10000/27.32 days

In a leap year. While you're on this number, notice that:

The diameter of the Moon measures 0.273 Earth diameters

Notice also that

The acceleration of the Moon in its path around the Earth is 0.273 cm/


=== Maybe the Moon Bought the Stadium Naming Rights ===

The number for absolute zero is not arbitrary. It is based on the Celsius temperature scale, which is based upon the freezing and boiling points of water.

Absolute zero is ?273.2° C, the point at which all motion stops .... and,

Gasses expand by 1/273 of their volume with every degree on this scale.


Also notice that:

A human fetus spends exactly 273 days—10 sidereal months—inside the womb

The mean for female menstrual cycles is regarded to be 27.3 days. Why should the female cycle be so closely connected to the moon's orbit? Speculation used to be fairly mainstream that the moon somehow influenced the reproductive cycle, but the current scientific consensus is that this relationship of

Moon orbit x10 = 273 = Human Gestation

is nothing but coincidence.


=== In Visual Terms, 1.273 = Square / Circle ===

The number 0.2732 has a very direct relation to the number Pi: it is the percentage by which a square is larger than a circle (of the same "diameter").

So 0.2732 can be calculated by very simple geometry alone, and in fact represents one of the simplest proportions in geometry, the circle to the square:

Inscribe a circle within a square ... 0.2732 is the simple ratio between the area of the remainder of the square after the circle has been cut out, and the area of the circle itself.

In other words, if you cut a perfect circle out of a perfect square, the "remnant" material is 27.32% the area of the circle. For a circle of diameter 2 inches inside a square whose side is 2 inches long, the ratio is (4-p)/p = 0.2732.

The earth-moon system is therefore a live-action illustration of the relationship between a circle and a square -- all of these 2732's "state" how much larger a square is than a circle, one might say.

The Earth's orbit, and the Moon's orbit, and the Moon's/Earth's diameters, and the Moon's acceleration, and the value of absolute zero, and the human pregnancy, all precisely "state" how much larger a square is than a circle.

For quick-reference documentation of the above, see New World Encyclopedia on the subject.


=== 237 Is Popular with Other Numbers, Too ===

We might add, as editors, that:

273 is a sphenic number (the product of three prime numbers, 3, 7, and 13)

and so its Mobius function is -1.

and that

273 is a repdigit (a natural number composed of repeated digits of the same number) in base 9:

273 is notated as 333 in base 9.

As well,

273 is notated as 111 in base 16

273 is notated as DD or 13 13 in base 20

273 is notated as 77 in base 38, and

273 is notated as 33 in base 90.

273 is notated as the nicely symmetrical number 100010001 in base 2.


We checked to see: did anything notable occur in the years -273 and +273 years before and after Christ's birth? Not that we can tell, no.

In the years -273 and +273 years before and after Christ's death? Well, +273 years after His death was the year that the Roman Empire declared war on Christians, for what that's worth.


The area of our galaxy is 273 decillion square miles.


=== Not Your Average Quirks List, Dept. ===

Most numbers have distinctive properties, but compare (for example) the lists found here -- particularly their entry for 273 -- to the list above for the single number 273.








Dr. Peter Plichta and His Book God's Secret Formula

In Carl Sagan's "Contact," Dr. Sagan describes what he personally would view as an acceptable scientific proof of the existence of a transcendent intelligence: a mathematical design element. In "Contact," the aliens reveal that after 1,000,000 digits of the number Pi, you can "grid" them (as in a Bible Code matrix" to reveal a circle. This, to Sagan, was the type of occurrence that should constitute convincing evidence of design.


Dr. Plichta has multiple Ph.D's and scientific credentials in chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics, as well as major discoveries in chemistry.

In his book "God's Secret Formula," he describes a series of purported design elements in the very nature of real numbers, the very territory that Sagan suggested. Plichta's main argument comes from his "Prime Number Cross," in which he places the prime numbers on a visual matrix to draw a cross.

It is not the placement of these primes onto a 24-radius grid that is exceptional, but the properties of the number 24 (2x3x4) and properties of the prime numbers on these rays that Plichta discusses at length.

His main works have not been translated from German, but Plichta points out many other natural coincidences that he finds suggestive:


=== Occurrences of Threes in Nature ===

We see:

1. Three dimensions of space

2. Three kinds of chemical bonds (ionic, covalent and metallic)

3. Three components of atoms (protons, neutrons and electrons)

4. Three components of DNA (sugar, base and phosphate)

5. Three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas)

6. Three aspects to time (past, present and future)

7. Three forms of life (plants, animals and humans)

8. Three races of man

9. etc.

Note that, weirdly, the speed of light is almost exactly 3 x 1010 cm/sec. This phenomenon is indeed incredibly improbable and deserves reflection.

See Plichta's English-translation book for a fuller development.


=== Incidences of 81 ===

Plichta spends a lot of time on the number 81 and its cousin, 19 (100 = 81 + 19). A few oddities that he develops further:

There are exactly 81 stable elements

81 = 34

The reciprocal is an infinite sum of numbers: 1/81 = 0.0123456789 (10) (11)…

... the equals the number 0.0 + 0.01 + 0.002 + 0.0003 + 0.00004 ....

0.0123456789 x 81 = 1

Plichta became convinced that beneath the surface of physical, chemical and biological phenomena lay a deeper structure, composed of numbers. He is not the first to have such an idea; that pedigree goes back to Pythagoras. But he is the first to try to give it a rigorous scientific foundation.

Bear in mind that whole numbers, for most scientists, are human inventions for our own convenience, and that certainly base-10 is an anthropomorphic system. So, obviously, there could not be any designed properties about the whole numbers, such as 1, 2, 3 and 4.


=== Numbers and Astronomy ===

The Earth and Moon move together around the Sun every 365.25 days, with the Moon revolving around the Earth every 27.32 days— called the "sidereal" month. Plichta emphasizes that the reciprocals of their orbits correspond:

1/27.32 = 0.0366 .... and .... 1/366 = 0.002732

For a long series of "coincidences" that Plichta notices with respect to the number 273, see supplementary article The Number 273.


Dr. Plichta, rather better trained in science than us, does not feign intellectual indifference to the fact that:

In a solar eclipse, the Moon’s disk is exactly the right size to cover the Sun

The Moon is about 400 times smaller than the Sun, and about 400 times closer, so that they take up almost exactly the same space in the sky. (Do you suppose this is true of Europa?)

Plichta believes that all of theoretical physics is mistaken, and quotes a Nobel Prize winner to the same effect. He's either a crank or a scientist who is getting the first glimpses at futuristic technologies. Only time will evaluate him. Cheers, jemanji ................ images: http://www.autobild.de/ir_img/59488125_ef1d65a544.jpg http://www.jainmathemagics.com/Editor/assets/webprime-number-sequence.jpg

Lincoln-Kennedy Coincidences

Though I (jemanji) do not see this 'freaky phenomenon' as anything other than coincidence, it is entertaining when viewed as a 'karmic echo'. Did Lincoln leave unfinished business? Beginning, purpose, and ending of careers: Abraham Lincoln and John F. Kennedy were:
Elected in 1860 and 1960 Catalysts for the two most important pieces of civil rights legislation (Emancipation Proclomation and eventual Civil Rights Act, 1963) Shot by enemies of the United States (Booth a Confederate sympathizer, Oswald a Marxist) First elected to Congress in 1846 and 1946, respectively Both were runners-up for the party's nomination for vice-president in '56 Both were shot in the head, on a Friday, in the presence of their wives Booth supposedly ran from a theater and was captured in a warehouse, while Oswald ran from a book warehouse and captured in a theater ... Both assassins were themselves assassinated -- by religious zealouts -- before they could go to trial, and both men had three names with 15 letters Both Presidents were succeeded as President by Southern Democrats named Johnson (Andrew and Lyndon) -- who each won a single re-election term -- and then declined to run for a second term Both Johnsons were born in -08 (1808 and 1908) and supposedly had kidney stones -- the only two Presidents to suffer from this malady
'Echoes' in the Presidents' family lives include:
Both men waited until their middle 30's to marry Both men married socially prominent women who were 24-year-old brunettes who spoke fluent French and were famous for fashion sense Both Lincoln and Kennedy were 2nd children, named after their grandfathers Both had a son die while President Two of Lincoln's sons were named Robert and Edward (the names of the other two famous Kennedy brothers)
Other 'echoes' include:
Both men were celebrated for being unusually well-read; both were especially interested in law, Shakespeare, and the Bible Both had congenital diseases - Kennedy with Addison's Disease, Lincoln supposedly with Marfan Syndrome Neither man was much interested in personal security, to the dismay of their Secret Service retinue Both men were involved in debates that were among the most famous of all time: Lincoln with Douglas, Kennedy with Nixon Both selected a Billy Graham as key advisers (Lincoln's friend an Illinois schoolteacher) Both joined the military and skippered boats (Lincoln the Talisman; Kennedy the PT 109)
Among the most entertaining coincidences involve their successors as President; Andrew Johnson's career did indeed parallel Lyndon B. Johnson's, perhaps because of the nature of the career of an unelected precedent and because of the similarities between Lincoln's and Kennedy's preferences. Here is an excellent site that draws many parallels. Many other coincidences exist, most of a more-trivial variety, such as "Andrew and Lyndon both have six letters," "Lincoln and Kennedy both have seven letters," "both were with one other couple when assassinated, and the male acquaintance was injured but not killed," "both First Ladies renovated the White House," etc. . === Coincidence? === There are times when "synchronicity" can be measured statistically, but this is not one of them. For example, Lincoln's sons were named Robert and Edward, but we would have "included" this coincidence if it had been Lincoln's uncles -- or cousins, or grandchildren, etc. When calculating probability, we need a denominator in the fraction. Many of these coincidences can't even conceivably be assigned a denominator. The set of coincidences themselves can't be compared to a larger pool of possible coincidences. For example, we included their first elections to Congress -- but how about the time they got their first job? How many such non-coincidences occurred? We don't know. We do know that their careers were a nice even 100 years apart, so that many of their career milestones will track about (or exactly) 100 years apart. Snopes.com has a fine presentation of the type of reasoning that dismisses the pattern. ............... At the same time, the Lincoln-Kennedy parallels have an uncommon charm to them. Exactly 100 years later, the other major Civil Rights President emerges, has a fairly similar personality and set of life experiences, lives much the same kind of life and has the same death. A weird synchronicity in U.S. history. Cheers, jemanji ................. image: http://www.theatlantic.com/issues/99sep/images/9909lincoln.jpg

Angel Hair

Reports are common, worldwide but most often in English-speaking countries, of sky-falls of silky, sticky strands that resemble spider webs or fine hair. It is easy to imagine superstitious cultures (or people) attributing this to hair lost from angels as they fly overhead, hence the name "Angel Hair." Typically these filament-like strands are glittery and translucent, and the falls can contain a high volume of the strands - often covering a football field-sized area, draping over telephone lines, etc. The strands might be 0.5 to 1.0 inches wide and from 4 inches long to 20 meters long. Angel hair is usually reported to sublimate -- to evaporate into gas while bypassing the liquid state -- as soon as they are touched. However, a few times they have been collected and analyzed as composed of silicon, magnesium, boron, and calcium, and/or other minerals. Keith Basterfield has an interesting collection of (not extremely-well verified) reports uforn.com/Keith_Basterfield_2.htm">at his site, including:
28 November 1972 1400hrs Glenelg Adelaide South Australia (34.56S 138.36E) A man saw lengths of glistening material wrapped round a signpost and upon looking up saw more was falling from the sky. A small piece of the thickest section was collected but unfortunately the thin strands dissolved in his fingers. ............. 9 June 1999 1000hrs (210-300) mins Esperance Western Australia (33.52S 121.54E) A large fall of white material fell from the sky over a period of time on a windless day. It covered trees, paddocks and power lines. Some threads were reported to have been 9-10m in length. Reports came in from the north, east and west from Gibson’s Soak, Condonup and Munglinup (33.43S 120.52E 80km West of Esperance), covering a 10,000 square kilometre area. The local paper ran a story and an Esperance resident Marilyn Burnet collected a sample. Brian Richards in Perth had some of that sample analysed spectrographically and with electron microscopy. Copper, aluminium, zinc, iron, sodium, manganese, silicon and a number of other minerals were found in it. Another witness was located 85km East of Esperance, 15km in from the coastline. Long strands of white material settled on everything, with trees, fences and pastures covered. No unusual objects were seen in the sky. There was no associated noise. The length of the strands was estimated as 6 metres. No material was picked up. The material disappeared overnight. The sky was cloudless, with temperature estimated as 17-18C. No spiders were observed.
=== Lab Analysis === Here is some purported analysis of the material.

"Conclusions" A white fibrous material and small amounts of other components were identified in the sample. Following are the identifications and some of the conclusions based on their analysis.

1- The white fibrous material is identified as a polymer containing protein amide type linkages, i.e. protein. Therefore it is suspected that a biological source is involved in its manufacture. However, as this point

the specific source remains unidentified. The data do show the fiber close to that of silk made by insects and caterpillars. Also the coating the fiber are droplets commonly noted in insect silks.

2- Other components attributed to the sample include a variety of fatty

acid amides. The following are specifically "suggested":

4-methyl-pentamide;hexadecaanamide;dodecanamie;N-tetradecanoic acid amide. It should be noted that this particular "angel hair" sample is unique in that it is the first time fatty acid amides have been detected. Trace amounts of heavier hydrocarbons such as eicosane (C20H42) and 2-methyl

hexadecane are indicated. Eicosane has been found in a previous sample. It is suspected these components are part of the purported gelatinous material (goo) noted by the witness. Perhaps they are final degradation products. Any lighter volatiles, if present were probably lost during sample transferal and the failure of ziploc bag containers to adequately confine them.

3- The fibrous material compares to that from "angel hair" falls in Los Gatos, California (October 19-20, 1977) Sacramento, California (November 11, 1999) and Burns Oregon (November 4 1999) which were also analyzed by this laboratory.

4- Research is being done to more accurately pinpoint the source of the "angel hair" and other materials. It should be noted that the suggestion that the material is from a biological origin does not rule out a possible "intelligent" influence. The "jury is still out" on the specific source of this material until further research is completed.

. === Explanations === One of the most popular skeptics' theories involves "cobwebs from migrating spiders." Spiders do not fly, but skeptics claim that spiders are carried aloft by winds, discharging webs in the air. ... the obvious problem with this is that to produce such a huge volume of webs, literally millions of small spiders would be needed. Nobody has ever observed giant clouds of floating spiders... .............. A vague, and therefore hard-to-counter, theory blames "some kind of atmospheric anomaly." Ash from a volcano can cover a huge amount of territory. In the hackneyed "God of the Gaps" paradigm, anything can be reasonably attributed to nature, under the heading of "Things we have not discovered the mechanism for, yet." For example, it's been suggested that tornadoes might create whirling vortices that cause certain minerals (out of the dust they generate) to coalesce -- but some angel-hair falls reportedly occur where the weather has been calm. ............ UFO buffs are delighted with the phenomenon, since they attribute UFO fuel discharge. Many of the reports of falls also carry with them reports of strange, silvery flying objects just before the fall. Personally, I (jemanji) would imagine futuristic civilizations as having better control of their pollutions and discharges than this. That isn't a refutation, of course, but the idea of "angel hair" being uncontrolled residue from UFO's doesn't feel right to me (not that UFO's feel right to me, personally, either). ............. Residue from top-secret government machines is a possibility worthy of investigation, but reports on Angel Hair date back centuries. Charles Darwin reported an angel hair fall on the Beagle in 1832. . === Ask Marilyn, Dept. === Marilyn vos Savant is the cultural icon for deciphering odd patterns. :- ) Perhaps she could shed some light on Basterfield's observation that, at least in Australia:
All winter falls occur in the morning All spring and summer falls occur in the afternoon No summer falls occur
Perhaps my son's explanation is the simplest: Angel Hair falls don't actually occur. "Have you ever personally seen this stuff? Let me know when you have." .............. My own theory? Honestly don't have one. Here's another one I put in the category of "entertaining cognitive dissonance." If you pressed me to it, I'd plump for unknown geophysical or atmospheric phenomenon. But I realize how weak that is. :- ) Cheers, Jeff ..............

The Fine-Tuning of G and Other Natural Constants

The gravitational constant, in terms of force, is "set" at:
G = 6.674 * 10 (-11th power) * N * (m/kg)(2nd power).
In layman's terms -- helpful, since I'm a layman :- ) -- there is a certain "amount of pull" between two objects with mass. We refer to this "amount of pull," or "attractional force," as gravity. How hard do objects pull together? It is in proportion to the products of their masses and is inversely proportional to the squares of the distance between them. In other words, the Sun would pull on Jupiter much harder than the Earth pulls on the moon, but you also have to factor in distance: Jupiter is much farther away in this comparison. This is a fairly simple relationship (not measurement) and is referred to as Newton's constant. Newton understood the relationship that he diagrammed, but of course did not measure its strength or weakness. Another way to speak of the strength of this constant was given in the January 5, 2007 issue of Science (page 74), where J. B. Fixler et al described the gravitational constant as
G = 6.693 × 10?11 cubic meters per kilogram second squared, with a standard error of the mean of ±0.027 × 10?11 and a systematic error of ±0.021 × 10?11 cubic meters per kilogram second squared
So, as the amount of force a weightlifter is exerting can be measured by the pounds on the barbell, the amount of force that gravity is exerting can be described as above. ................... What you might not have spent much time reflecting on is this: is that the amount of this pull could have been "set" to a stronger or weaker force. A man who weighs 200 lbs. might have weighed 205 if the attractional force were stronger, or 195 if the pull had been weaker. Silly to spend your time thinking about things like this? Interest in such questions -- "What if the speed of light were 10 times slower or faster?" -- has set the Einsteins and Newtons apart from other scientists. A man who weighs 200 lbs. might very easily have weighed 1,000,000 lbs, in fact, if the strength of the gravitational constant had been "set" to a strength comparable to that of other natural constants. Meditate on that for a few minutes ... :- ) ................ At first glance, science students tend to assume (intuitively) that if the natural constants were different, then everything else would have simply evolved differently to accommodate. For example, if gravity were 1,000 times stronger, then men "weighing" 200 lbs. would simply be strong enough to move around despite weighing as much as a building. That, or perhaps life would evolve only on much smaller planets. Nothing could be further from the truth. There are many ways in which even the smallest changes to the natural forces would make any life impossible. The "tuning" of the gravitational constants -- the "tweaking" of these constants so as to "enable" the existence of living organisms that feed, breathe, grow, and reproduce -- is one of the oddest phenomenon of the universe we observe. Astrophysicist Hugh R. Ross, Ph.D (reasons.org) lists dozens of such tunings of natural constants and physical balances, including:
magnetic field
  • if stronger: electromagnetic storms would be too severe; too few cosmic ray protons would reach planet’s troposphere which would inhibit adequate cloud formation
  • if weaker: ozone shield would be inadequately protected from hard stellar and solar radiation
atmospheric pressure
  • if too small: liquid water will evaporate too easily and condense too infrequently; weather and climate variation would be too extreme; lungs will not function
  • if too large: liquid water will not evaporate easily enough for land life; insufficient sunlight reaches planetary surface; insufficient uv radiation reaches planetary surface; insufficient climate and weather variation; lungs will not function
level of supersonic turbulence in the infant universe
  • if too high: first stars will be of the wrong type and quantity to produce the necessary mix of elements, gas, and dust so that a future star and planetary system capable of supporting life will appear at the right time in cosmic history
    • if too low: first stars will be of the wrong type and quantity to produce the necessary mix of elements, gas, and dust so that a future star and planetary system capable of supporting life will appear at the right time in cosmic history
    ... and 151 other fundamental "tunings" with respect to life on Earth particularly. But perhaps the freakiest, and most cognitive-dissonant, of all of these "tunings" occurs in the gravitational constant, with respect to the Big Bang. See G and the Big Bang

    G and the Big Bang

    For a mini-primer on the force G and other "balancings" in the universe, see The Fine-Tuning of G. ................... Dr. Francis Collins is hardly the "obscure creation scientist" that we think of when we think of Creationist spokesmen. Collins was the head of -- not a member of, but the head of -- the Human Genome Project and is one of the world's greatest geneticists. Collins, a former atheist, was not persuaded by arguments of the origin of life, by arguments against origin of species or other fundamental arguments used by theistic scientists. Why? Because, according to Collins, even if we cannot imagine how inorganic materials coalesced into the first reproducing, organic life form with 5,000 codons -- and we cannot -- it is fundamentally a "God of the gaps" argument, and therefore unconvincing. Someday, somehow, there might be a mechanism discovered that explains the leap from 0 codons to 5,000 codons in one generation. (I - jemanji - do not concur with this reasoning, but the spirit is clear. Collins is not an easy nut to crack for the theistic world.) ............... This objection does not apply in any way to the argument over the fine-tuning of G, the gravitational constant. At a recent gathering of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, Dr. George Coyne rebuked biological arguments for intelligent design. (Coyne himself is actually an astrophysicist.) Dr. Collins stepped up directly afterward, took the microphone, and pointed asked Coyne -- in front of a room full of eminent scientists -- why gravity is so “finely-tuned.” That is, if the force of gravity were an astronomically-tiny fraction smaller than it is, then the universe would have kept expanding without forming galaxies (and we would not be here) ... While, at the same time, if gravity were the same fraction stronger than it is, matter in our universe would have imploded together and not expanded outward to form galaxies, stars, and planets (and thus we would not be here).

    How small is this fraction?
    1 part in 10 to the minus 14th power!
    In either direction. For a bit of perspective, a human hair's width is about 1 in 10 to the minus 11th power relative to the circumference of the earth. You'd have an easier time throwing a dart at a random spot on the entire equator, and bisecting a human hair hidden on it, than you would have in setting Newton's Constant to the correct strength needed to enable the Big Bang. To put it another way, if a 200-lb. man actually weighed 200.000 000 000 0001 pounds, or if he weighed 199.999 999 999 9999 pounds, the Big Bang would not have been possible in either direction. This observation, relative to G and the Big Bang, is not creationist speculation. It's a demonstrated phenomenon of the observable universe. Collins pointed asked whether Coyne thought this evidence suggested luck, or "monkeying" with the laws of physics by a Being somehow more powerful than the universe itself. Coyne's reply: well, that isn't a scientific question ... .............. Stephen Hawking, certainly no friend of theism, responded to this (and only this) puzzle with the remark, "I think there are clearly religious implications." It is this type of observation that led Albert Einstein to suspect that a Transcendent Being had imposed rationality on what should be an irrational universe. Astronomer Fred Hoyle opined, "a super-intellect has monkeyed with the laws of physics." The alarming thing about G-and-the-Big-Bang is that it is not answered with a "God of the Gaps" rebuttal. There will never come a time when some physicist discovers any natural mechanism that "tunes" G to the correct strength "desired" by a future Earth and the life on it. No natural force exists above and transcendent to Gravity, much less one that intelligently "tunes" it to a particular parameter. ................. Skeptics generally reply with a supposition that an infinite number of universes exist, of which this happens to be the lucky one (also known as the Giant Bubble Machine theory). For the purposes of this website, religion is not the point here; neither are debates or escape clauses from the implications of such incredible fine-tunings. For our purposes, it's enough to simply notice that if a 200-lb. man actually weighed 200.000 000 000 0001 pounds, the universe wouldn't work. If you ask me, that fits into the category of freaky. Cheers, jemanji .................. image:  http://www.grandunificationtheory.com/history.bigbang.jpg

    Tunguska Explosion of 1908

    On June 30, 1908, at 7:17 A.M. local time, the largest explosion in history occurred in the forests of Siberia. Though the explosion occurred in 1908, the scene was not investigated until 1930, when Soviet scientists trekked to the North of Siberia. What they found was a vast scene of cognitive dissonance. Though the explosion had obviously been unimaginable -- the yield is today estimated at 5-30 megatons (!) and remember, nobody would see even a low-yield atomic bomb for 15 more years -- the scene was full of anomalies. These are the indisputed facts of the catastrophe:
    1. The blast force was in the vicinity of 15 megatons. It was the largest impact event in recorded history, including from modern nuclear testing. 2. There was no trace of any impact crater. 3. Trees at ground zero were stipped of bark -- but still standing. 4. Sampling of plants, water, and earth yielded few clues or residual matter; the clues that resulted tended to be inconsistent with the theory of a large impact. 5. Around 80,000,000 trees from 3 to 10 miles away from ground zero were knocked over, their tops falling away from ground zero. The total area of scorched trees was about 30 miles in diameter. 6. The resulting earthquake would have registered about 5.0, if the Richter scale had been devised at the time.
    Here is an account of the explosion, attested by S. Semenov who was 40 miles south of ground zero (footnote 1):
    "At breakfast time I was sitting by the house at Vanavara trading post, facing North. [...] I suddenly saw that directly to the North, over Onkoul's Tunguska road, the sky split in two and fire appeared high and wide over the forest. The split in the sky grew larger, and the entire Northern side was covered with fire. At that moment I became so hot that I couldn't bear it, as if my shirt was on fire; from the northern side, where the fire was, came strong heat. I wanted to tear off my shirt and throw it down, but then the sky shut closed, and a strong thump sounded, and I was thrown a few yards. I lost my senses for a moment, but then my wife ran out and led me to the house. After that such noise came, as if rocks were falling or cannons were firing, the earth shook, and when I was on the ground, I pressed my head down, fearing rocks would smash it. When the sky opened up, hot wind raced between the houses, like from cannons, which left traces in the ground like pathways, and it damaged some crops. Later we saw that many windows were shattered, and in the barn a part of the iron lock snapped."
    Speculation on the cause is an industry both in printed books and on the internet: UFO explosion? "I need more power, Scotty!" "I kinna hold 'er togetha inny longa, Keptin!" UFO buffs often view alternative explanations as cover-ups. Just for fun, we might note that although it's hard to imagine anything happening to stress a UFO "warp coil" :- ) once it's gotten to earth after a long journey ... still, simple malfunctions could be attributed. Black hole collides with earth? Accounts such as "the sky split" and the multiple waves of energy have sparked the speculations revolving around sci-fi applications of laws of physics. Albert A. Jackson and Michael P. Ryan, credentialed physicists at the University of Texas, maintained that a black hole passed through the earth. The questions here would be, where was the exit event, and where are the cataclysmic effects to the earth's mantle? Speculations have included theories revolving around antimatter falling to earth. However, there is no evidence for the existence of "chunks of antimatter" in the Milky Way galaxy. Russia explodes an H-bomb four decades early? If you are interested in the general field of anachronisms, this explanation might interest you. But it is hard to imagine Stalin's Soviet Union not exploiting such technology in, say, 1940. As well, the entire Soviet research industry of the 1920's and 1930's becomes nothing but a vast, flawless coverup. ............... The scientific consensus is that a "lightweight" (low-density) asteroid exploded about 5 miles above the forest. The asteroid may have been composed of space debris and ice, and when the ice melted in the atmosphere, the explosion occurred. The asteroid therefore would not have hit the ground, though the shock wave would have. The hypothetical speed of the asteroid is placed at around 7 miles a second. The shock wave was easily equivalent to that of 2,000 Hiroshima bombs; if the asteroid had arrived 4 hours and 47 minutes later, all of St. Petersburg would have been destroyed, every human being killed for at least 10 miles in any direction. Opponents of this theory, of course, point out aspects of the evidence that are not consistent with this understanding. .............

    Slight alterations of the trajectory or timing -- if the Tunguska explosion be due to an asteroid -- would have wiped out London, Rome, or Munich, in nature's equivalent of a (mega-) nuclear strike. As it was, not a single human life was lost. The Earth caught a very, very big break in 1908. ................... Astronomers tell us that if Jupiter weren't serving as a "shield" for Earth, then the Earth would suffer 1,000 times more asteroid hits than it does. The craters on the surface of the moon are sobering. None of us worry much about asteroids. An odd serendipity that Earth's citizens live their lives free of fear from asteroids. Cheers, jemanji ......... (1) N. V. Vasiliev, A. F. Kovalevsky, S. A. Razin, L. E. Epiktetova (1981). Eyewitness accounts of Tunguska (Crash)., Section 6, Item 4 bottom image: http://www.psi.edu/hartmann/pic-cat/images/488_Tunguska-A_Minute_After_E... (artist's rendition, of course)

    Baghdad Battery

    The first battery was invented by Alessandro Volta in 1800. Except for the ones that were used in Mesopotamia (modern-day Iraq) around 250 B.C. Used for what? Google "Baghdad Battery" and you'll find that these are the indisputable facts of the case:
    1. The Mesopotamians used devices that consisted of 5-inch-tall ceramic jars, containing copper cylinders that were sheets of copper wrapped around iron cores (!!). 1a. At the top of the jar, the iron is even isolated from the copper by an asphalt-like organic substance, while at the bottom of the copper cylinder, the iron is left open to the copper and to the air. 1b. The ceramic jar is even formed to bulge outward at the center, as (we understand) a modern chemist would design it. 2. When any electrolyte -- such as wine (!) -- is placed in the jar, an effective battery results. With wine inside the pot, electricity would be produced.
    What would the Mesopotamians do with electricity?! And who was the Da Vinci of the time who was capable of realizing that all of these elements, brought together, could produce voltage? I mean, Leonardo da Vinci himself did not realize this. Nobody did, until the 1800's. This is one of history's four or five greatest anachronisms. It is in dispute what the Mesopotamians did with these jars -- even under dispute whether they actually filled them with wine to produce voltage. But the facts in the above inset box are not under dispute. And if they did not fill the jars with wine to produce voltage, then why were they going to the trouble to wrap iron in copper in a ceramic casing? . === What they did with the batteries === Did the pre-Iraqis have a set of machines they powered with these batteries? We can probably rule that one out, however open-minded we might be. One must string together ten of these "batteries" to produce four volts. And no archaeology has uncovered any transistors in the area :- ) Electroplating has been suggested as a possible use, but there are major problems with the feasibility of that. For one thing, fire-gilding would have been many orders of magnitude more efficient. Electrostimulation has been suggested -- whether in an acupuncture-type context, or simply because they were fascinated by the tingle. Superstition and/or primitive religion may have found the electricity useful - suppose that you connected the jars to the wings of two metal cherubim. One grasping these wings might have felt pain, tightness in the chest, etc. . === How did they think of the batteries? === Those disposed to believe that UFO's landed and intervened in ancient civilizations would have little trouble imagining a set of semi-technological devices taught the ancients... If one studies the Old Testament, one realizes that the ancient Egyptians and Babylonians were very, very serious about collecting 'scientific' knowledge from around the globe.
    Dan 1:3 And the king (Nebuchadnezzar of Babylon, ca. 600 BC - jemanji) spoke unto Ashpenaz the master of his eunuchs, that he should bring certain of the children of Israel, and of the king's seed, and of the princes; Dan 1:4 Children in whom was no blemish, but well favored, and skillful in all wisdom, and cunning in knowledge, and understanding science, and such as had ability in them to stand in the king's palace, and whom they might teach the learning and the tongue of the Chaldeans.
    The Babylonians systematically exploited the learnings of every culture they conquered. We still aren't completely sure what those cultures did, and didn't know. Some even posit that such civilizations had entire advanced technolgies that were later erased in war and buried in the sand. ................ Perhaps the simplest explanation of the development of these 'batteries' has been given by Paul Keyser. He imagines an ancient using an iron spatula to stir vinegar around in a copper vessel, feeling an electrical tingle, and then working out the primitive battery from there. The iron-spatula-in-the-copper-vessel idea is of great comfort to those who wish to rule out the amazing, but it's a bit of a reach. If that's what happened, the accomplishment was easily on the level of many of the greatest chemical discoveries of modern (1700-2009) times: a happy accident, followed by intelligent trial-and-error and refinement. Except that nobody ever did anything like that in the subsequent 2,000 years. It's not as if somebody else happened across the same iron-and-copper accident in (say) 850 A.D. ............... Personally, I believe that the Egyptians and Mesopotamians knew a lot more than they are telling. I don't think that they drove Chevys, but I do think that their handbooks of science would hold our attention. :- ) Cheers, jemanji .................. image: http://www.uned.es/geo-1-historia-antigua-universal/new%20website/EGIPTO...
