


If Sasquatch is the most recognizable American cryptid, then Mothman must surely be a close runner-up.  The peak of Mothman sightings happened in the late 1960s, but the Mothman legend continues to mesmerize readers - and Mothman himself is still spotted in the darkness, from time to time.

Mothman is a tall humanoid creature with gigantic moth wings.  (Why moth wings in particular?  Why not just "wings"?  I have always wondered.)  His eyes glow red, and he has the unsettling habit of chasing people in the darkness. 

Furthermore, Mothman's appearances are said to have foretold various events, leading up to a local catastrophe.  After the last Mothman sighting in 1967, a local bridge collapsed during rush hour.  46 people were killed as the cars tumbled into the Ohio River.


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