Strange / Unusual

Buying, cleansing and storing a Tarot deck

It's not as complicated as some might make it sound.

If you have ever been curious about the Tarot, you may have done a bit of reading up, but been put off by all the seeming rules. Do this! Don't do that! Always do it this way! Never ever ever do this! 

The truth is, handling the Tarot is very much up to interpretation. The only real rule is, "Do what feels right." Unfortunately a lot of people take that rule and run with it, and mistake "what feels right for me" with "what everyone should do all the time, lest DISASTER BEFALL THEM."
As with so many things in life, your intentions matter more than the specifics of your actions. Treat your cards with respect, approach them with an open mind and an open heart, and you will do fine.


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