Animals with Albinism
Albinism really isn't freaky. Most of us have seen an animal or even know someone in our lives with the melanin deficiency, which causes a striking lack of color that is often otherworldly in its beauty. It's unfortunate that so many people with albinism have been targeted with hatred, and even violence, for something they can't control, but the Internet has helped to demonstrate, at least to those willing to learn, that there's nothing scary or harmful about albinism.
These incredible photos of animals with albinism, however, are freaky gorgeous. If you've never seen a pigment-free horse, deer, alligator or owl, you must look through the collection and witness nature's beauty. The little turtle is probably my favorite in this series of photos, but the peacock and giraffe are probably the most striking.
What do you think of these photos? Did you see any other cool animals this week? If so, share your pictures in the chat.