Dr. Peter Plichta and His Book God's Secret Formula

Dr. Peter Plichta and His Book God's Secret Formula

In Carl Sagan's "Contact," Dr. Sagan describes what he personally would view as an acceptable scientific proof of the existence of a transcendent intelligence: a mathematical design element. In "Contact," the aliens reveal that after 1,000,000 digits of the number Pi, you can "grid" them (as in a Bible Code matrix" to reveal a circle. This, to Sagan, was the type of occurrence that should constitute convincing evidence of design.


Dr. Plichta has multiple Ph.D's and scientific credentials in chemistry, biology, physics, and mathematics, as well as major discoveries in chemistry.

In his book "God's Secret Formula," he describes a series of purported design elements in the very nature of real numbers, the very territory that Sagan suggested. Plichta's main argument comes from his "Prime Number Cross," in which he places the prime numbers on a visual matrix to draw a cross.

It is not the placement of these primes onto a 24-radius grid that is exceptional, but the properties of the number 24 (2x3x4) and properties of the prime numbers on these rays that Plichta discusses at length.

His main works have not been translated from German, but Plichta points out many other natural coincidences that he finds suggestive:


=== Occurrences of Threes in Nature ===

We see:

1. Three dimensions of space

2. Three kinds of chemical bonds (ionic, covalent and metallic)

3. Three components of atoms (protons, neutrons and electrons)

4. Three components of DNA (sugar, base and phosphate)

5. Three states of matter (solid, liquid and gas)

6. Three aspects to time (past, present and future)

7. Three forms of life (plants, animals and humans)

8. Three races of man

9. etc.

Note that, weirdly, the speed of light is almost exactly 3 x 1010 cm/sec. This phenomenon is indeed incredibly improbable and deserves reflection.

See Plichta's English-translation book for a fuller development.


=== Incidences of 81 ===

Plichta spends a lot of time on the number 81 and its cousin, 19 (100 = 81 + 19). A few oddities that he develops further:

There are exactly 81 stable elements

81 = 34

The reciprocal is an infinite sum of numbers: 1/81 = 0.0123456789 (10) (11)…

... the equals the number 0.0 + 0.01 + 0.002 + 0.0003 + 0.00004 ....

0.0123456789 x 81 = 1

Plichta became convinced that beneath the surface of physical, chemical and biological phenomena lay a deeper structure, composed of numbers. He is not the first to have such an idea; that pedigree goes back to Pythagoras. But he is the first to try to give it a rigorous scientific foundation.

Bear in mind that whole numbers, for most scientists, are human inventions for our own convenience, and that certainly base-10 is an anthropomorphic system. So, obviously, there could not be any designed properties about the whole numbers, such as 1, 2, 3 and 4.


=== Numbers and Astronomy ===

The Earth and Moon move together around the Sun every 365.25 days, with the Moon revolving around the Earth every 27.32 days— called the "sidereal" month. Plichta emphasizes that the reciprocals of their orbits correspond:

1/27.32 = 0.0366 .... and .... 1/366 = 0.002732

For a long series of "coincidences" that Plichta notices with respect to the number 273, see supplementary article The Number 273.


Dr. Plichta, rather better trained in science than us, does not feign intellectual indifference to the fact that:

In a solar eclipse, the Moon’s disk is exactly the right size to cover the Sun

The Moon is about 400 times smaller than the Sun, and about 400 times closer, so that they take up almost exactly the same space in the sky. (Do you suppose this is true of Europa?)

Plichta believes that all of theoretical physics is mistaken, and quotes a Nobel Prize winner to the same effect. He's either a crank or a scientist who is getting the first glimpses at futuristic technologies. Only time will evaluate him. Cheers, jemanji ................ images: http://www.autobild.de/ir_img/59488125_ef1d65a544.jpg http://www.jainmathemagics.com/Editor/assets/webprime-number-sequence.jpg