

Dolphin Telepathy

Someone recently brought this Dolphin Communication Orgone Pendant to my attention, and I couldn't be more enthralled.  What it may lack in visual appeal, it makes up for in "dolphin gem elixir."

I was not aware that dolphins were telepathic.  I learned that from reading about the pendant ($99) the dolphin gem elixir ($39) and the impressively hefty desktop Dolphin Portal Orgone Cone ($170).

When you think about it, it's remarkable what a connection we as a culture (if not as a species) have made with dolphins.  They are seen as friendly, spiritual, healing, mystical.  At the very least, cheerful.  All this from an animal that is so incredibly different from us. 

Dolphins live underwater, breathe through the tops of their heads, have two fins in front instead of hands, no legs, and a big fluke instead of feet.  Most people are even unaware that dolphins are mammals.  It's an understandable mistake, since they seem more like a fish made from an inner tube, with the fin attached sideways.


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