What If Time Reversal Were Possible?

I mean, why not...

Plenty of movies have explored just why time travel isn't possible, but at the rate of technological development in our time, who really knows? Maybe it will be commonplace, or regulated by FEMA someday. This team of physicists wanted to prove it could be done for just a single particle, for not even a full second, and even though yes, they were able to prove that it's possible, it's not likely at all through real life application.

But really, how many of us thought the same regarding 3-D printing or using cell phones? At this point, I'm not willing to rule anything out, and I personally don't care as much about time travel so much as traveling with less time. Yes, I'm talking about Apparating, Harry Potter style. Come on, scientists, I know you have it in you. Hook us up.

Have you read about any freaky scientific discoveries lately? Share your links in the chat!

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When Nature Makes Our Jaws Drop

Do you ever just feel so minuscule?

When it comes to Mother Nature, most of us get how insignificant we are. All it takes is one "natural disaster" to wipe out many of us, and even if we're destroyed via climate change, as it would seem is currently happening, the Earth will probably be fine, healing itself with another Ice Age or something once we are gone. It's a sobering thought, just as bitter as it is sweet, and if there's any consolation for the pain we feel regarding the leaders who refuse to take any action to repair the damage we've done, it's that nature is one resilient force.

Check out these photos of nature being mind-blowingly awesome if you don't believe me. Time and time again, we've witnessed nature recover itself after a disaster or after people abandon everything from small towns to civilizations. It's incredible how much nature recovers after only a few short years; who knows what it will look like after we humans are gone?

Have you seen any other freaky but amazing photos of nature lately? Share them in the chat!

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Freaky News This Week

Share what you've found!

Here are just a few weird, freaky and mind-boggling stories from the week.

A database in China has compiled women of "breed-ready" status, including their personal information.

Human rights lawyer Nasrin Sotoudeh was sentenced to 148 lashes and 38 years in jail for "insulting Iran's Supreme Leader."

The Curiosity Rover had a weird reset.

In less scary news, scientists made an audio map of human emotions using only sounds to identify them. Humans can identify at least 20 emotions via sound alone, which isn't all that freaky, but pretty interesting nonetheless.

Tucker Carlson spewed some ignorant garbage and refused to apologize for any of it.

What other freaky news have you read this week?

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Streaks On Mars

We have no idea what they are

You can see slope streaks on the red planet, but what do the lines on Mars really mean? Where do they come from? There are a lot of guesses about what caused the streaks but scientists honestly don't know what has made the streaks appear on Mars. Some have guessed that they were made with water or something "wet," while others guess at something dry, but we're still playing guessing games.

Some of us think we'd better hurry up and make a Mars field guide if humans are expecting to make the planet home anytime soon. Hopefully AOC and the rest of the Democrats can get their New Green Deal together and help save this planet for us.

What do you think has caused the unusual patterns on Mars? Share your ideas in the chat.

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The Cables Under The Sea

No, they're far from a Disney song

Did you know that there are a bunch of undersea cables that we're all currently relying on in order for us to have Intenet access? Whether or not you did, you may not have realized how vulnerable these cables happen to be. Tonga, a country that has access to just one cable, recently experienced a severe blackout, making us realize just how dangerous it is to have anything happen to these vital cables. In a world where we all depend on the Internet, for everything from work to school projects, finances and more, it's a terrifying thought to be without. 

Some people, like retired baby boomers, might even joke that "You Millennials and your Internet, you couldn't go a day without it!" without realizing that it is impossible for those who rely on it for their livelihood to go without it. The undersea cables that lie across the ocean floor providing us with this access are only as thick as garden hoses and they are obviously at major risk.

Do you think there's a better way to provide Internet without ocean-crossing cables? What do you think could make them safer?

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Severed Feet By The Ocean

It's not exactly cake...

I don't know about you, but if I had a severed foot wash up next to me while I was enjoying the ocean I might never come back. I'd probably get Tales From the Crypt flashbacks ("How long can you hold your breath?") and wonder at my own sanity. In the last 10 years, there have been 15 human feet that have washed up on the shore, which is freaky even if experts can explain the feet away.

Even the explanations themselves aren't without morbidity, although the experts claim that since there's been no "foul play" at hand, it's all good: they say that the feet just belong to the many bodies that are in the ocean due to drownings, suicide, missing persons and other instances of humans being lost at sea. They are found not just in Washington but up and down the coast, and it's such a thing that there's even a Wikipedi page cataloging each foot found.

Have you ever seen a human body part wash up on shore or elsewhere? Share your experience in the chat.

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Hubble Telescope Photobombing

Dwarf galaxy says hello

There are plenty of galaxies out there that we haven't discovered yet and one of them just said hello by photobombing the Hubble Telescope. While taking photos of the star cluster NGC the Hubble Telescope managed to capture a super small galaxy at the same time, surprising scientists and making an accidental discovery all at once. NASA says that the galaxy is about as old as our universe and can teach us many things about how galaxies change over time. They're calling it a living fossil from the beginning of our universe and that's quite exciting.

Just imagine what else is out there that's as ancient as the universe itself. This galaxy, which is being called Bedin 1, reminds me that there's so much more than we know, and makes me feel like maybe Donald Trump doesn't matter so much after all in the grand scheme of things. OK, who am I kidding, this entire administration is threatening human existence by denying climate change, but even if the humans are wiped out, there's so much more out there than just us.

Have you read any strange science news this week? Share it in the chat!

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Freaky News This Week

Share yours in the chat

There are always a lot of freaky news stories, so here are just a few from this past week.

New research indicates that our sun will die in a blaze of glory worthy of a Bon Jovi song. Just because we won't be around to witness it doesn't mean we won't get taken out sooner by our own climate change.

Speaking of climate change, the president of the United States had a freaky State of the Union address in which CNN documented so many inaccuracies that it's hard to keep up. Freaky!

The pope admitted that nuns have been kept as sex slaves and had abortions because of it. How is the Catholic church still a thing?

Apparently there are zombie stars

What's the freakiest news you've read this week? Share your links and discuss in the chat.

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Fish Can Live In Dead Zones

Everything we know is wrong

Every day we seem to get news that disregards previous rules about our existence, proving that life is possible even in the most unexpected places. While that feels like something Gandalf might say, it's actually true; we recently learned that 90% of the planet's carbon is beneath the surface, where a biosphere twice that of our oceans exists. Who even knows what lives there? We've also learned about tiny creatures who can live in the deepest, darkest parts of the oceans as well as in volcanoes, so maybe it's not as surprising to find out that some fish can actually live in dead zones.

Dead zones have very little oxygen, sometimes none at all, and they're a threat to most species. As they increase in streams, rivers and other water sources, they cause damage and loss of life, but scientists are discovering that some fish can actually survive in these areas, which is pretty freaky. Cusk eels, lollipop sharks and grenadiers have been found in areas that are almost oxygen-less, prompting us to wonder how they're actually breathing at all. Who knows how much creatures will continue to evolve to tolerate new conditions?

Have you learned about any weird animal adaptations lately? What are they?

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The Weirdest Planet "Types"

Did you even know these existed?

From size to composition, all of the planets vary so widely it's a wonder we all expect life to be as similar as it is on Earth. Given how we recently discovered that 90% of the carbon on our planet is below the surface in a biome that doubles the size of our oceans, it's a wonder we still have any expectations at all!

Many planets are completely opposite ours, made up of hot gases, more metal than we'd know what to do with and masses so much more or less than our own that it's absolutely mind-blowing. We are so cavalier about space exploration and travel with Elon Musk at our side that we rarely stop and take the time to marvel at what exists in the solar system. So go ahead, take a peek at these incredible planet types and see which one you think is the most out of this world. 

What else do you think is absolutely freaky about space? Share your thoughts and articles in the chat!

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